Full Time Work!

I have finished my first week at the Midland newspaper.  I am working full time and making more per hour than the other jobs I have had in graphic design.  Fourth of July is a couple days away and I am enjoying my three day weekend.  My thoughts  of what I want to do with my money are being considered.  I would like to get new tires and my doors fixed.  I want an apartment that looks nice.  I may not be able to visit family this Christmas.  That subject can be discussed later and I will cross that bridge when I get there.

My gym membership needs to get paid up.  I have been down to 319 pounds.  That is fifty pounds lost.  Lots of walking, working out and eating right are the key.  We were really low on money for a while.  Beans and tortillas were all we could afford.  When my first paycheck comes I plan to eat some good food.  I also need some good clothes.

Freelance isn’t Free!

The weight has been going down!  I have been walking 3 to 4 miles for about 5 to 6 days per week.  I have not gone to the gym much in the last 3 weeks.  You really need to be careful when you are doing deadlifts.

Lately I have been getting ready to work from my home.  I have almost run out of places to apply here in Odessa.  My Associate Pastor will be helping me as we launch a new free magazine.  We have a few people that are going to their parts in this adventure.  I will be creating graphics for this magazine as well as other design projects.  The design company will be Epix Design Studio.  I will post more information about this later.  I also want to add that I am going to use Outsource.com for some of my projects.

Church is going pretty good lately.  I have been giving short sermons and I have really tried to focus on balancing my life with the Word.  I may use my DSLR camera in a future sermon.

Thank you for spending a few moments to hear about my life.

Jesus Bless you!

New Job…

Here is a video of me preaching at New Song Fellowship.  The second half has not yet been edited.  We need to work on the church building soon.  My mic skills are improving but I do my best when the Holy Ghost helps me.  Otherwise its just me.  I am nothing without the help of God in my life.  God’s word is an awesome guide to live your life by.  Many churches   are full of traditions that are not really accurate if you study the times and events during thee times the scripture was written.  A modern church that preaches the plan of salvation in the Book of Acts is the key to a wonderful life as a Sprit filled believer.   When you add rules that are hard to live by and cause some to not enter in,  church becomes more focused on trivial matters.  It is not a game of “dress up” where  you are only a member if you wear certain styles of clothes.  It is about having your life transformed by the power of the Holy Ghost and having your sins forgiven through a person relationship with Jesus Christ.  People who are on the outside don’t grasp what keeps you strong when tough times come.   Trust me, life can be rough for believers and nonbelievers.  Wisdom cries out into the streets but people ignore it.  Sadly, many people will find that it is too late to find Him.

On a more positive note, I am currently working at a print shop here in Odessa, Texas.  Business is a little slow.  Odessa is an oil town and times are getting tough for many.   I am happy to be a college graduate and have a full time job.

It is a Learning Process…

I have been at my new job for a couple weeks and it has had its ups and downs.  The software that I am using is Adobe Illustrator.  I am going from using a raster based software to a vector based software and it is challenging.  There are projects I worked on when I first started that would be easier to correct if I had known what I know now.  My twin brother has a lot of experience with AI and has given my some much needed advise.  The crew I am working with now are great.  I am learning what it is like working in an agency that does a variety of projects.  These skills will help me in the long run.

Speaking of running, I have been getting back in the gym some.  I am lifting weights at the gym in the mornings.  My cardio is walking at the local university.  My diet is not too strict but needs improvement.  Now that I am earning more money I can afford new workout clothes and supplements.

Church is going alright.  We have our building looking better than it used to look but more work is needed.  I am getting used to getting in front of the congregation.  By the way, there is usually less than about ten people at any given Sunday morning service.  That is OK for now because we do not have much room for a large crowd but we would welcome all who wants to come.

That’s all for now in this blog.  I enjoy my life and I keep my faith in Jesus. He is awesome!  I thank him for blessing my life even though I do not deserve it!

New Job!!!

Last Thursday I began my new job at a printing and sign shop.  The owner showed me around and I met the crew.  My experience with my past employers really is helping me understand everything.  They use PC’s instead of Mac’s but I will get used to it.  This is a full time job and I get an hour and a half lunch every day.  The business is down the street from the gym.

Speaking of the gym, I just want to say that I haven’t been to gym very much for about a month or two.  I had recently lost about 40 pounds!  Life started to get a little complicated and I needed some rest.  With the extra income coming in, I plan to get some cool workout clothes and maybe work on my tan.  I may throw in some tats as well.  I thought it would be cool to get earrings but the crew that I am now working with might not think its cool.  I want to start off with a good impression on them.

Having preached two weeks in a row recently, I am excited with what God is doing in my life.  Last week I was going to teach but I changed gears and went with preaching.  My pastor gave me some really good advice that will help me grow in my ministry.

Thank you for reading my post!  Have a blessed week!

New Job!

Hello again everyone!  I am happy to say that I will be starting my new job tomorrow.  This job is in Midland and is full time.  My old job ended yesterday where I designed ads for a want ad publication.  Now I will be designing signs, t-shirts, decals and etc.  I will probably post a video talking about it.

One of my coworkers was a professional wrestler and has a match in a week or two.  By day he is a mild-mannered graphic artist but when he is in the ring he is a much different person!  I knew his dad some when we were in high school.  I would never get back in the ring myself.

Life isn’t the same when I am not getting myself into the gym.  I was looking at an old wrestling picture of myself when I was in my early twenties.  I was about 215 pounds and had more hair.  In the past I have been known to drop up to 80 pounds by diet and exercise. My body is getting more stubborn as I am getting older.  My upper back muscles ache even when I haven’t trained lats in a while.  Working out needs to be a lifelong commitment you do for yourself.

Sunday mornings are going good at New Song Fellowship.  I get behind the microphone and greet the congregation and take prayer requests and praise reports.  Getting comfortable talking in front of an audience is important for me.  It is not easy to live as a Christian and I want to inspire others in their walk with the Lord.

To wrap up todays blog I just want to say that I am excited to start my new journey tomorrow.  It will be fun to meet the new crew and to get familiar with using a PC instead of a Mac.

Been working on the Church!

We were able to get some work done on the church earlier today.  There is lots to do so that the outside of the church is representable to new folks.  The inside needs sheet rock put up and we will be doing that soon.  We are just a handful of believers that meet on Sunday mornings to worship and praise Him.

I may have mentioned that I started a business back in December.  I would have loved it if it was an instant success.  With the way things are going lately, I will probably be seeking full time employment at an established company soon.  It was a good idea but I have bills to pay and so on.

I have been going back to the gym more often.  Changing the workout is needed when the old workout starts getting stale.

Thank you for reading my blog.  Please leave a comment if you like.  I see where I am getting viewers from around the world.

Future Looks Bright if…

Hello everyone!  I haven’t posted in a while so I might as well give you an update.  I am currently working at the Thrifty Nickel Want Ads.  I have been here over three years and my skills keep improving.  My new company is slowly trying to take form.   Full Sail was an awesome experience.  I love it when I am swamped with work.  The more difficult projects will make me want to pull my beard out but they make me dig in deep.  Looking back at projects that I thought were tough,  the skills attained were well worth it.

The last couple of weeks my gym attendance has slowed down.  I know that if I want to be slim again it will take lots of dedication to the barbells.  Got to keep the workouts fun and challenging.

Church is going good.  I have been getting behind the pulpit a few times.  A few times taking praise reports and prayer request, and I have begun teaching Sunday School.