Full Time Work!

I have finished my first week at the Midland newspaper.  I am working full time and making more per hour than the other jobs I have had in graphic design.  Fourth of July is a couple days away and I am enjoying my three day weekend.  My thoughts  of what I want to do with my money are being considered.  I would like to get new tires and my doors fixed.  I want an apartment that looks nice.  I may not be able to visit family this Christmas.  That subject can be discussed later and I will cross that bridge when I get there.

My gym membership needs to get paid up.  I have been down to 319 pounds.  That is fifty pounds lost.  Lots of walking, working out and eating right are the key.  We were really low on money for a while.  Beans and tortillas were all we could afford.  When my first paycheck comes I plan to eat some good food.  I also need some good clothes.