New Job…

Here is a video of me preaching at New Song Fellowship.  The second half has not yet been edited.  We need to work on the church building soon.  My mic skills are improving but I do my best when the Holy Ghost helps me.  Otherwise its just me.  I am nothing without the help of God in my life.  God’s word is an awesome guide to live your life by.  Many churches   are full of traditions that are not really accurate if you study the times and events during thee times the scripture was written.  A modern church that preaches the plan of salvation in the Book of Acts is the key to a wonderful life as a Sprit filled believer.   When you add rules that are hard to live by and cause some to not enter in,  church becomes more focused on trivial matters.  It is not a game of “dress up” where  you are only a member if you wear certain styles of clothes.  It is about having your life transformed by the power of the Holy Ghost and having your sins forgiven through a person relationship with Jesus Christ.  People who are on the outside don’t grasp what keeps you strong when tough times come.   Trust me, life can be rough for believers and nonbelievers.  Wisdom cries out into the streets but people ignore it.  Sadly, many people will find that it is too late to find Him.

On a more positive note, I am currently working at a print shop here in Odessa, Texas.  Business is a little slow.  Odessa is an oil town and times are getting tough for many.   I am happy to be a college graduate and have a full time job.