It is a Learning Process…

I have been at my new job for a couple weeks and it has had its ups and downs.  The software that I am using is Adobe Illustrator.  I am going from using a raster based software to a vector based software and it is challenging.  There are projects I worked on when I first started that would be easier to correct if I had known what I know now.  My twin brother has a lot of experience with AI and has given my some much needed advise.  The crew I am working with now are great.  I am learning what it is like working in an agency that does a variety of projects.  These skills will help me in the long run.

Speaking of running, I have been getting back in the gym some.  I am lifting weights at the gym in the mornings.  My cardio is walking at the local university.  My diet is not too strict but needs improvement.  Now that I am earning more money I can afford new workout clothes and supplements.

Church is going alright.  We have our building looking better than it used to look but more work is needed.  I am getting used to getting in front of the congregation.  By the way, there is usually less than about ten people at any given Sunday morning service.  That is OK for now because we do not have much room for a large crowd but we would welcome all who wants to come.

That’s all for now in this blog.  I enjoy my life and I keep my faith in Jesus. He is awesome!  I thank him for blessing my life even though I do not deserve it!

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