New Job!

Hello again everyone!  I am happy to say that I will be starting my new job tomorrow.  This job is in Midland and is full time.  My old job ended yesterday where I designed ads for a want ad publication.  Now I will be designing signs, t-shirts, decals and etc.  I will probably post a video talking about it.

One of my coworkers was a professional wrestler and has a match in a week or two.  By day he is a mild-mannered graphic artist but when he is in the ring he is a much different person!  I knew his dad some when we were in high school.  I would never get back in the ring myself.

Life isn’t the same when I am not getting myself into the gym.  I was looking at an old wrestling picture of myself when I was in my early twenties.  I was about 215 pounds and had more hair.  In the past I have been known to drop up to 80 pounds by diet and exercise. My body is getting more stubborn as I am getting older.  My upper back muscles ache even when I haven’t trained lats in a while.  Working out needs to be a lifelong commitment you do for yourself.

Sunday mornings are going good at New Song Fellowship.  I get behind the microphone and greet the congregation and take prayer requests and praise reports.  Getting comfortable talking in front of an audience is important for me.  It is not easy to live as a Christian and I want to inspire others in their walk with the Lord.

To wrap up todays blog I just want to say that I am excited to start my new journey tomorrow.  It will be fun to meet the new crew and to get familiar with using a PC instead of a Mac.