Been working on the Church!

We were able to get some work done on the church earlier today.  There is lots to do so that the outside of the church is representable to new folks.  The inside needs sheet rock put up and we will be doing that soon.  We are just a handful of believers that meet on Sunday mornings to worship and praise Him.

I may have mentioned that I started a business back in December.  I would have loved it if it was an instant success.  With the way things are going lately, I will probably be seeking full time employment at an established company soon.  It was a good idea but I have bills to pay and so on.

I have been going back to the gym more often.  Changing the workout is needed when the old workout starts getting stale.

Thank you for reading my blog.  Please leave a comment if you like.  I see where I am getting viewers from around the world.

Future Looks Bright if…

Hello everyone!  I haven’t posted in a while so I might as well give you an update.  I am currently working at the Thrifty Nickel Want Ads.  I have been here over three years and my skills keep improving.  My new company is slowly trying to take form.   Full Sail was an awesome experience.  I love it when I am swamped with work.  The more difficult projects will make me want to pull my beard out but they make me dig in deep.  Looking back at projects that I thought were tough,  the skills attained were well worth it.

The last couple of weeks my gym attendance has slowed down.  I know that if I want to be slim again it will take lots of dedication to the barbells.  Got to keep the workouts fun and challenging.

Church is going good.  I have been getting behind the pulpit a few times.  A few times taking praise reports and prayer request, and I have begun teaching Sunday School.