College is done!


Well college is finally over and I have learned a lot.  I have enjoyed learning the different fields of the graphic design industry.  October 3rd will be the day the graduation service will be held.  It is in Florida so I will not be able to attend.  I look forward to becoming the best designer that I can be.

Right now it is Sunday morning and I plan to get a good back workout before I go to church.  My new preworkout drink caused me not to sleep well last night but I am up early anyway.  Thanks for taking your time to read this little blog.

The End is Near!

There is only six days left of college left for me! I am so excited to be earning my Bachelor’s degree in Graphic Design.  The skills I have learned along the way are going to be put to use.  If you have been following my blogs you know that I am also working full time at the Thrifty Nickel.  I am planning to get some freelance work to help me get an apartment soon.  Of course I will weigh out all options.

With the extra time I will have, I plan to use my Waccom tablet and AnimeStudio.  I want to make some animations that are funny and enjoyable.  I also want to learn as much as I can about After Effects.

My church would benefit as well.  I preached last Wednesday!  I had not expected to but the opportunity came up and I let God get some glory.

Well that’s today’s blog.  I will definitely get some rest after next Friday!!!