Its Getting Better…

My church is starting to grow!  I missed a few services and today I went and was told that we have about 11 new folks!  God is doing something at New Song.  We are having services in our fellowship hall. Our worship center seems to be a long ways from being finished.  Once we are done working on it and clean up the outside, it WILL be awesome!  We do not discriminate against people and try to make them feel welcome.  Some people think all churches frown on their tattoos and wild hair, but we just try to show these people the love of Jesus Christ.  

Its almost time for me to go to bed and wake up to a new week of being busy.  I stay so busy that sometimes I not to sociable.  Getting a degree in graphic design is my main focus right now.  Two and a half months left.  I am planning to get an apartment in the Odessa area.  I will work on developing my ministry and spend more time in the gym.  

One last thing before I go, graphic design is very exciting.  Working a full time job and being a full time student isn’t so bad.  You got to stick with it and keep busy.  Tackle the hard project because they make you better at what you do.  That feeling you get when it looks impossible won’t be there the next time you have to do it.   

Ok enough with my rambling.  Have a great week!

Getting Closer to the Finish Line!

I have not posted anything in quite some time.  I am working full time at the Thrifty Nickel and I have about 2 to 3 months left until I get my degree.  Being busy all the time can be taxing but when I look back from where I used to be I know its all worth it.

Moving to the big city does not sound as exciting when I think about being alone.  My church family is there to give me support I need.  Recently I have been working on a website for the church.  I may post its address soon so that you all can see it.  

My workouts were going great until I got swamped with my job and homework.  I am getting stronger and feeling better about myself.  My weight doesn’t budge much.  

Adobe Creative Cloud 2014 is fun to use.  We also have it at work.  I wish I had more time to make animations for fun with AnimeStudio.  

Well that’s all for now, I want to enjoy this Saturday and maybe go to the gym later.
