I have been busy lately.

gCBP I have been busy lately with my job and school.  A couple of weeks ago my doctor said I am diabetic and have high blood pressure.  I started getting more excercise by walking outside as well as going to the gym.  My diet has changed. I am eating more salads and I cook chicken and vegetables.  My weight has dropped almost ten pounds!

Work is getting easier with my skills as a graphic designer have improved.  I have about 18 more months of school left.  I will be happy when I finally get my bachelor’s degree.

Our church services have been ok.  We are not really growing right now and we have not worked on our new building for quite some time.  I really would like to see this church get on fire.  I miss services at Life Challenge where the power of the Holy Ghost can really be felt.

I would like to start a YouTube channel where I teach lessons from the bible.  I have the editing software as well as an awesome camera.

Thank you for checking in on me and post a comment so that I know you read this.