Holly Rollin’ Service!!

Wow! I just got home from church and it was awesome.  We had one salvation and almost every person was prayed for.  As an elder, I grabbed the anointing oil and started praying for folks with my pastors.  When it was my turn to get prayed for, our assistant pastor said when she was touching me…it felt like electricity!  God showed her that He has great plans for me and I will reach more people than I ever thought possible. She mentioned that the “clothing” will fit perfectly.  I am so excited right now!  I remember laying on the floor and I felt a warmth all over me and I felt like I weighed 500lbs.

New Video Intro…

Thank you for watching this video.  Its a nice Saturday evening and I am excited about what the Lord is doing!  I think I will spend some time studying God’s Word.  Jesus is answering prayers in my life and He will do the same for you. He is no respecter of persons.  He will wipe out ALL of your sins and forgive you of your past.  I thought I was at the end of my life, but God began blessing me more than I could ever ask.  Thank You Jesus!!

Trying to Start Exercising…Day One

After spending most of this year wanting to get in shape and doing almost nothing about it, I finally made an effort today.  I went to the local college track and walked about three laps.  Not real impressive, but a start.  Pet peave of the day: People who walk the wrong direction on a track.

Have you heard what the big exercise gimmick is these days?  It is called HIIT, or high intensity interval training.  This is where you run for about a minute and then walk, then repeat a bunch of times.  I have heard good things about this, yet I haven’t tried it in a while.  After my walk I grabbed my kettle bell and did a simple workout.  I may do some more research and find out more about kettle bells.  I may find out that I need two of them.

That’s it for today’s blog, its getting late and I am about to wind down for the day!

Feeling “Blah” Today

Do you ever have one those days where you do not have much motivation?  I do, and today is one of them.  Don’t get me wrong, I am doing the things that need to be done.  Maybe its time to consider getting more exercise.

Church was good this morning at New Song.  The new couple that were there this morning got to experience a sample of the Pentecostal experience.  I like how our church is helping them in this time of need.

We are planning to get the church van ready to pick folks up.  I believe we need a battery and new brakes to get it ready.  Billy, one of our faithful brothers, would enjoy driving it.

One interesting bit of news is that there will be a house available for the church to purchase that would house several people, plus be a place for Pastor Laveta’s business.  I would like to see if this would be a good place for me.  The future is starting to look brighter for our church.

Tomorrow is Labor Day.  I am off and will have no homework.  Until my next post, Good Night & God Bless You!